27范文 >地图 >总结 >



时间:2024-09-29 作者:27范文



The doctor murmured inarticulately, gave a long gasp or two and was still.(医生口齿不清地咕哝着,长吁了一~~网上还有哪些相关的句子呢?你不妨看看温柔文案短句干净英文精选,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。


1、Something frightful was about to descend on him.(可怕的灾祸就要降临到他头上了。)

2、With the job market booming and salaries rising, companies can expect to see high attrition in 2011.(随着就业市场复苏,薪酬水平上升,企业在2011年预计将出现较高的人员流动。)

3、These chopsticks are beautiful!(这些筷子真漂亮!)

4、This letter is an annex to that report.(这封信是那份报告的附件。)

5、Attrition Not Considered in Recent Reports of App Store Sizes, growth.(近期AppStore规模和增长率报告中没有考虑软件流失问题。)

6、Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.(经常大声并且长时间地笑。直到你笑得上气不接下气。)

7、Part of the issue is that the government did not anticipate the steep increase in airline travel, so the TSA is now rushing to get new screeners on the line.(一部分问题是政府没有预料到航空旅行的急剧增长,因此运输安全管理局现在正急着在线路上安装新的安检设备。)

8、Treason in this country is still punishable by death.(在该国,叛国仍是死罪。)wWW.27FW.cOM

9、get goose bumps all over.(我浑身都起鸡皮疙瘩。)

10、Below these awning, there is a car park, an indoor athletics, baseball and cricket facility.(在这些遮阳篷下方,有一个停车场和室内田径、棒球、板球设施。)

11、She explains how she deals with on-air technical problems.(她解释了她是如何处理播放中的技术问题的。)

12、Mutual trust and confidence are the foundation atone of all friendship.(相互间的信赖与对彼此的信心才是友谊的基石。)

13、After coffee, Gastler asked for the bill.(喝完咖啡,加斯特勒要了账单。)

14、It's precisely that angst that Peter Buffett taps into.(彼得·巴菲特所触及的正是这种焦虑。)

15、look at the word Love and then I underline it.(我看了看“爱你”这个词,然后在下面画了条线。)

16、This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher's me, here, now becomes the community's anyone, anywhere, anytime.(这就是取得公信力的过程,通过这个过程,个体研究者的我、此处、此时此刻变成了社会上的任何人、任何地方、任何时间。)

17、He took a keen interest in his grandson's education.(他对孙子的教育很感兴趣。)

18、The wicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.(那个邪恶的继母叫她的两个女儿中的一个把她的大脚趾剪下来,以适应鞋子的大小。)

19、Bees are capable of addition and subtraction — using colors in the place of plus and minus symbols.(蜜蜂会做加减法——它们用颜色来代替加号和减号。)

20、The boy pedaled away on his tricycle.(那男孩蹬着三轮脚踏车走了。)

21、But it certainly appears safe to keep drinking that delicious, aromatic, pick-me-up cup or two of coffee each day.(但继续喝那些美味的,芳香的提神饮料或者每天两杯咖啡看起来当然是安全的。)

22、It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb through their phone directories.(人们早就知道,当顾客翻阅电话簿时,AAAA汽车公司比Zodiac汽车公司有很大的优势。)

23、She took care to paint her toe nails a lurid red or orange.(她小心翼翼地把脚趾甲涂成艳丽的红色或桔色。)


24、Jane's aunt disliked him very much and had some bad auspice.(简的阿姨非常讨厌他并有一些坏预兆。)

25、To please you I will change, and give you my fine fat pig for the cow.(为了让你满意,我愿意交换,用我的肥猪换奶牛。)

26、Nandgaon, a village of some 1,700 people, most of them farmers, is a microcosm of bachelor angst.(像南徳伽龙这个拥有1700名人口的乡村里,大部分都是农民,俨然成了一个光棍们的聚集地。)

27、The warm fire, along with the aromatic rice and hot water wiped out our fatigue and hunger completely.(温暖的火、喷香的米饭和滚热的洗脚水,把我们身上的疲劳、饥饿都撵走了。)

28、The circadian rhythm in mammals is regulated by two clusters of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) in the anterior hypothalamus.(哺乳动物中调节昼夜节律的是两个调节神经细胞群,称为视交叉上核中的下丘脑。)

29、After I explained to Juan that yes, we did have a moon and yes, it was very similar to his, I felt a sort of awe at the possibilities that existed in his world.(当我向胡安解释说,是的,我们确实有一个月亮,是的,它和他的月亮非常相似,我对他的世界里存在的可能性感到一种敬畏。)

30、If you feel any tension in your neck, tuck your towel under your head for support.(如果你觉得你的脖子有点紧张,叠块浴巾放在脖子下面做支撑。)

31、can stand on one toe for hours.(我可以用一只脚趾站上好几个小时。)

32、Do you know what I definitely believe in?(你知道什么是我绝对相信的吗?)

33、The following quotations underline this fact.(下面引用的名言便强调了这一点。)

34、In the spring the aromatic scent of wild flowers, redbuds, papaws, and dogwoods.(一到春天,野花、紫荆、番木瓜和山茱萸的芬芳随风而动,飘满整个溪谷和我的家园。)

35、Or the Akimbo (2005), a set-top box that gave you instant access to any TV show - any, that is, in its microscopic catalog.(另一个例子是Akimbo(2005年),一个能够即时提供给你任何电视节目的置顶盒——但是只能是从它提供的那些节目里挑选节目。)

36、The crowd was dazzled by the spectacle.(人群被这一奇观弄得眼花缭乱。)

37、Hardware queue or transmit ring.(硬件队列或传输环路。)

38、The speed with which digital cameras can take, process, and transmit an image is phenomenal.(数码相机拍摄、处理、传输图像的速度惊人。)

39、For example, the maximum power on a 60mm telescope (2.4 "aperture) is 142x."(比如,孔径为60mm(即2.4英寸孔径)的望远镜最大放大率为142x。)

40、Our main products are all kinds of serial products about wall tiles, antic tiles and glazed floor tiles.(主要有各种规格内墙砖系列产品,各种规格的复古砖系列产品,釉面地砖系列产品。)

41、He tried to atone for his rudeness by sending her flowers.(他想送些鲜花给她来弥补自己的粗鲁无礼。)

42、He has been branded a traitor by his former comrades.(在前同伴眼中,他就是一个叛徒。)

43、even worked on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska a couple of summers while I was an undergraduate.(当我还是个大学生的时候,我甚至在阿拉斯加的一艘商业渔船上工作了好几个夏天。)

44、People indulged in online games might have difficulty telling the difference between reality and fantasy.(沉迷于网络游戏的人可能很难区分现实和幻想。)

45、he transferred to Germany, the traitor.(B:他转会去德国了,这个叛徒。)

46、The doctor murmured inarticulately, gave a long gasp or two and was still.(医生口齿不清地咕哝着,长吁了一两口气,然后就不动了。)
