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时间:2024-08-23 作者:27范文






2、On the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, I wish you a happy New Year, year after year!

3、When the young year comes, I want to tell you what I have in my heart, and say thank you to you! Bless the people I love and those who love me, happy all day, good things one after another; All troubles are abandoned, and good luck keeps coming!


5、The Year of the Ox is coming, and the New Year's Eve wishes you clean up: the sheep tail sweeps away troubles, and the Year of the Ox welcomes a smile. I wish you a prosperous career, a prosperous fortune and a long life! I wish you a happy New Year!

6、New Year's Eve is full of flavor, and lanterns in the streets are red. The crowds surged up the water street, and shopping was busy and noisy. Clean the house, clean and smile. When the New Year of the Ox arrives, the family reunion will be happy. Friends bless you, greetings keep friendship heavy. Happy young year!

7、I wish you a happy family when the young year comes.


9、On this shortest day of the year, may you find peace and serenity in the darkness. Happy Winter Solstice!

10、When the young year is over, my troubles are swept away, and I smile happily. Bless my friends: friends are intimate, lovers are United, my work is comfortable, my family is United, everything goes well, I am always happy, and everything is satisfactory!

11、When the young year is over, friends who have already gone home, have a reunion dinner with their families, and friends who are still far away, don't forget to report their peace to their families, and wish your family peace, happiness, health and happiness every day.


13、As the sun begins its journey back towards us, may your life be filled with renewed hope and optimism. Happy Winter Solstice!

14、SMS is short and affectionate, but I miss you during the Spring Festival. May your life be strong everywhere, happiness always accompany you, love is as sweet as honey, your career is successful and auspicious, and the New Year will be lucky for you, and you will achieve your dreams and create brilliant achievements. Auspicious young year!

15、The pavilions and pavilions on the balcony are new, with white walls and blue bricks and bright tiles. Street people shine in beautiful clothes, and girls and boys pair up. Busy streets, busy shopping on your shoulder. The girl was tired and wheezing, while the boy shouted loudly. Wish you a happy young year!

16、Light incense, worship the kitchen god, and Grandpa Kitchen King hurts you. Say hello, don't toss about, everything will be pleasant and evil. May you have a Xiao Xi in your young year, a big day in your new year, a surprise in the coming year, a sweet life and a happy and happy life!

17、Wishing you a happy winter solstice filled with love, laughter, and joy.


19、Send blessings in advance in the early years, wishing you happiness and well-being!

20、A holiday your daughter.愿女儿的祝福带给您欢乐。

21、The off-year has arrived, New Year's Eve is getting closer, the mouse tail is rich, the cow head brings the gospel, the warm wind goes by spring, the snowflakes dance all over the sky, the lights come on and the whip rings full of happiness. No matter where you are, my blessing has set sail; Happy young year!



23、Off-year to sweep the dust, sweep off everything. Off-year that busy people, protect health food on the table. Off-year to, busy shopping, prepare necessities heart smile. Off-year, blessing, good luck in the coming year a laundry list. Off year auspicious!


25、I'll be home to enjoy this Christmas me is on the e for the holidays.但愿我能回家共度佳节。


27、After a small year, welcome the New Year. What you eat is the taste of the New Year.

28、Here's to a winter solstice filled with good health, happiness, and prosperity. Enjoy the cozy warmth of the season!

29、Christmas was coming, and think of nothing for you, is not going to give you too much, just to give you fifty million: never happy! Be sure to health! Be sure to peace! Be sure to contentment! Don't ever forget me!!!!!!!

30、If you are alone now, I wish you a happy New Year; If it is two people, it is also a happy year; If it's a group, please tell me where you are.

31、As the season turns and the nights lengthen, may you find comfort in the company of family and friends. Happy Winter Solstice!

32、No matter how busy you are, don't forget the off-year. No matter how rich you are, you have to prepare the annual banquet.

33、鼠年未到,祝福先行。鼠年期盼你:天天开心“喜羊羊”;事事如意“美羊羊”;工作愉快“懒羊羊”;合家幸福“暖羊羊”,总之愿你一切都好鼠年喜气“羊羊”!The year of the sheep not to wish in advance. The year of the sheep look forward to you: happy every day "pleasant goat"; everything "beautiful sheep sheep"; a happy work "lazy"; "she" in happiness, wish you all good sheep year festivity "sheep"!

34、Send you a breeze. May you feel Jennifer.

35、Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new year, and send away the kitchen king to welcome good luck.


37、When the young year comes, bless the busy and good luck.

38、When the new year is coming, the taste of the new year is getting stronger. Clean the house, clear the window, feel Jennifer, send the kitchen god, greet the god of wealth, make a good fortune, store the new year's goods well, and celebrate the New Year safely. Bless your friends, have a happy new year and be lucky for your family.

39、I wish you a happy New Year and a high life!

40、Jade rat jumps, auspicious cow laughs, jade rat hikes up the tail cow receives the imperial edict, lucky star approaches, lucky cloud bypasses, happy people get lucky, life is sweet, happy events are sought, peace and happiness are wonderful, wealth is abundant, health is strong, career is thriving and step by step, festivals come, families are noisy, and firecrackers are set off happily. I wish you a happy young year!

41、On this winter solstice, let's remember to be grateful for the blessings we have and cherish the people we love.

42、When the young year comes, my blessing is unconventional. I send you a coat. Good luck is the collar, the front is good luck, the back is good luck, and the middle is warm. I wish you happiness, happiness, and ease.
